Monday, February 17, 2014

Edtech 501 - Video Introduction

Edtech 501 - Video Introduction

My first graded assignment. Create a video introduction. I used http://www.Xtranormal.comvand Windows Live Movie Maker.


Your first assignment in this course is to create an introduction video, using the tool of your choice. Have fun with this!



  • Identify goals for EDTECH program.
  • Apply technology skills by creating introduction video.

Introduce Yourself: Video Presentation

Video Presentation Rubric

  1. Video provides a good introduction about student (10 points)
  2. Video includes discussion of why student is pursuing a degree in EDTECH (10 points)
  3. Video includes discussion of what student hopes to achieve in program (10 points)
  4. Video has excellent audio and video quality (20 points)


  1. Create a short (3 minutes or so) video, introducing yourself. You can use any type of video camera (webcam, iPod, Flip, etc.) and any type of video production tool, such as Photo Booth (Mac), Movie Maker (Windows), or any other software. Need some ideas? Check out this website that lists a lot of Web 2.0 tools you can use:
    1. Tell us about yourself, your work, maybe something about where you live and your family, any hobbies you have, etc.
    2. Include information about why you are pursuing a degree in EDTECH at Boise State and what you hope to get out of the program. (You will be able to incorporate this beginning video into your final Portfolio Reflection Video at the end of the program, to view and reflect upon your progress!)
  2. Publish to your YouTube account (make the URL “Unlisted” URL for privacy).
  3. Embed your video on the Introduce Yourself Video Discussion Forum.
  4. Return to discussion forum by Tuesday of next week and rate your classmates’ videos, using the rubric provided on the forum.