Wednesday, January 29, 2014


John Guthrie

Kindergarten / Young 5's Teacher
Wegienka Elementary
Woodhaven / Brownstown School District
April 2014

About Me

My name is John Guthrie and this is my ePortfolio for consideration of a Master of Education Technology (M.E.T) degree from Boise State University.
I am seeking a M.E.T. from Boise State University because I am a big proponent for using technology in early childhood effectively. I have been a certified teacher for 6 years and my teaching career has been in and around early childhood education. I have noticed a large discrepancy in technology offered in schools to early childhood education compared to technology offered beyond primary school. My goal is to help introduce new technologies to students, parents, and teachers as effectively as possible.

How To Navigate This Website

This website is a navigational tool for my presented works and the rationale that ties my works into the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) standards.

The menu to the left is divided up into major headings of my rationale paper. Click on any heading to see a list of available subheadings.

When a subheading is selected, the frame will jump to that portion of the rationale paper. You will also be presented with links to appropriate artifacts.

The works presented here are in embedded iframes. What this means to you, the reader, is that you can scroll up or down to any place you would like review. The rationale presented is actually a collection of blog posts hosted at The blog posts are loaded into this webpage via's rss feed parser using a few custom filters to ensure the blog posts are loaded where they are intended to be loaded.

Thank you for your time reviewing my portfolio